HealthyWage 100-Pound Weight Loss Winners

Check out these winners who lost 100 pounds or more with HealthyWage!

Preston P_B&A

Preston P. from Jacksonville, TX
Lost: 160 Pounds | Won: $3,007

“Using HealthyWage to lose weight motivated me to stay on track with my eating and exercising by having ‘skin in the game!’ I couldn’t have made the progress I did without committing to my wager.”



Lashawn B_B&A

Lashawn B. from Austin, TX
Lost: 120 Pounds | Won: $4,259

“I have NEVER been consistent with my weight. I was determined to lose the weight I’d gained this time around from quitting smoking and COVID, but just couldn’t get motivated to start. HealthyWage was what I needed to get back to my healthy lifestyle! This has been the most challenging and rewarding experience. Through this process, I not only lost 120 pounds, but also learned lifelong strategies to lose and maintain my weight loss."



Gina S_B&A

Gina S. from St. Petersburg, FL
Lost: 122 Pounds | Won: $1,120

"After being diagnosed with a heart condition, I knew I had to change my life. HealthWage was the perfect thing to motivate me to make positive changes and lose over 120 pounds! The idea of winning a prize for my efforts started me on my journey to a healthier me…but after making friends in the online community, seeing others successes and struggles, that’s what really kept me going. Was it easy? Absolutely not! Was it worth it? 100 percent!!! I want to be around for many years to come for my family and myself, and I will be doing it in my best healthy body!"



Danielle S_B&A

Danielle S. from Round Rock, TX
Lost: 101 Pounds | Won: $3,982

“I realized I was approaching 300 pounds, and knew I needed to do something," Danielle S. says on what prompted her weight loss journey. After seeing HealthyWage on Good Morning America, Danielle decided to place a wager on her weight loss. “I’m a super frugal person, I do not waste money,” she says on her approach to customizing her weight loss challenge where she chose how much weight she wanted to lose, how long she wanted to lose it in, and how much she wanted to wager on herself each month. “I work in finance and am a numbers-driven person. I made spreadsheets of different bets I could make,” she says. “That’s why I loved the progress tracker; I love visual indicators of success. I'm a very money-motivating person and a very competitive person, I do not like to lose."



Jamaka G_B&A

Jamaka G. from Newport, NC
Lost: 101 Pounds | Won: $1,463

"The best person to bet on is yourself. That gave me the motivation to lose the weight and stick with it, as well as to keep it off."



Vicki S_B/&A

Vicki S. from Ocala, FL
Lost: 150 Pounds | Won: $2,020

"For a long period of time, I felt stuck, like I couldn’t be where I am now. I’m now seeing that I can do so many other things that I couldn’t do at 365 pounds because you think the world is just shut off to you, and there’s size limitations.”



 Samantha M_B&A

Samantha M. from Romeoville, IL
Lost: 100 Pounds | Won: $3,385

“To be able to put that money wager in and have that monthly contribution to something where you know you’re going to get it back when you meet those goals, not if, but when you meet those goals, is a huge deal and huge reward!”



Nicole C_B&A 

Nicole C. from Aurora, CO
Lost: 163 Pounds | Won: $7,478

“I finally achieved my lifelong goal of losing my weight and being in ONEderland! I have been obese my whole life and this helped motivate me to continue, even through the hard times!”



Karoline W_B&A

Karoline W. from Cary, NC
Lost: 101 Pounds | Won: $3,623

"I've yoyo-ed with my weight all my life. I was at my heaviest at 267.6 pounds while in medical school. I knew I wanted to lose weight so I could be healthier and a better example to my patients...Now, I feel comfortable giving lifestyle recommendations to my patients because I am now actually following them myself."



Jamie B_B&A

Emily S. from Brown City, MI
Lost: 123 Pounds | Won: $2,663

“HealthyWage was the puzzle piece that clicked! Magic happened. I had the right motivation to get the weight off!


Visit our Success Story page for more inspiring HealthyWage transformations!  

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