Faniya H. from Langley, BC
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Faniya H.
From: Langley, BC
Lost: 66 lbs
in: 6 months
Won: $11319
“I decided I had to do something.
I was turning 50 soon and I didn’t want to stay where I was. It’s not easy carrying around extra weight, especially when you still see yourself as thin like you had always been…but you aren’t anymore.
And when your joints ache and you feel like your metabolism is no longer working with you but instead against you.
I came across HealthyWage online and thought it was a dream come true. I mean, everyone wants to be rewarded and this sounded perfect for me.
It was something that put me 100% in control. An investment that whether I won or lost was completely up to me right until the end of the challenge.
I played with the prize calculator and to be honest, I did a pretty good calculation – one that would give me a profit over $7,000!
While my fear of questioning if I could actually lose weight had originally made me cautious of signing up, I was now shifting my mindset to ‘I CAN lose weight’ and committed to go all in right then and there.
There was no turning back. No starting ‘tomorrow’ or on Monday. Because you know what? Tomorrow never comes and Monday never starts. So I decided I was going to commit TODAY and be all in 100%!
Fast forward 6 months after I placed my bet: I hit my goal of losing 66 pounds and HealthyWage paid me $11,319!
I am so proud of myself. I’m doing the right thing for myself and my health for the first time in a long time.
By joining the HealthyWager, I ended up winning two things: my health AND money!”