Jenn N. from Hamilton, Ontario
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Jenn N.
From: Hamilton, Ontario
Lost: 75 lbs
in: 12 months
Won: $1802
“On January 1st, I committed to not being obese anymore, I was tired of being fat. On January 3rd, a HeathyWage ad popped up on my Facebook and that’s when I jumped in with both feet. I made a bet that day to lose 75 pounds in one year. I DID IT!
I wanted a lifestyle change, not a diet. I started with small portions, daily exercise, and gradually began incorporating healthier choices into my meals without excluding certain foods and depriving myself. I posted daily [on the HealthyWage app]; I liked the feeling of being connected to others on a similar journey. I stayed focused on monthly goals I set for myself to help keep me on track with my year-long challenge.
This journey has been a roller coaster, but worth every second! I pushed myself to do new things. I never gave up, even when times were tough. I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of. Most of all, I LOVE MYSELF AGAIN. I now know how important it is to care for me, so I can care for my son. He has watched me throughout this journey that I started because of him. I can see the example I am setting for him as a single parent, and how proud of me he is. While I started this journey mostly for my son, I am now finishing strong for ME!”