Tiffany S. from Columbus, OH
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Tiffany S.
From: Columbus, OH
Lost: 39 lbs
in: 7 months
Won: $949
“In 2019 I became pregnant with my second child and started gaining weight rapidly. 12 weeks in, I miscarried and had put on 15 pounds. At the advice of my doctor, I went on birth control for a few months and then COVID hit. A few months later, I had gained another 10 pounds due to the side effects of birth control, plus the pandemic. Immediately upon going off birth control, I became pregnant and was 25 pounds overweight. While I was beyond grateful for my wonderful baby, I wasn’t thrilled with the 70 extra pounds I was now carrying. With two young kids, I needed some extra motivation, and signed up with HealthyWage. The challenges kept me laser-focused, and helped motivate me when it came to exercising (and using that #Peloton!), tracking calories on MyFitnessPal, and being mindful of the goal I had set for myself. Fast forward to now with two kids and almost 40, I’m officially at my 'pre-kids' weight! I am so proud of myself; I did it!”